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14 Jan

I’m baacckkk!!! Okay so I’ve been totally MIA for two months now and have been itching to get back into the blogging vortex. I’ve just been really busy with work and family commitments coupled with general laziness and the need to give myself a “break”. Sorry to all my gorgeous readers!

Seeing as it’s a new year (HAPPY NEW YEAR!) I’ve decided to set myself some goals since I hate new years resolutions and find them utterly pointless. I mean come on, who even follows through with their resolutions for the whole year??

Goal 1: BLOG MORE REGULARLY! This is my number one goal for 2011. I promise to update this site and keep it relevant with more beauty, lifestyle and wellbeing posts. If anyone has any requests as to what they would like to see on here please let me know 🙂

Goal 2: Live a healthier lifestyle. This goal is a bit more personal as I’ve come to the realisation that eating cookies and cream ice cream for breakfast or whatever else I can dig up is not exactly good for me. In 2011, I will attempt to eat healthier, exercise more and not only focus on my physical wellbeing, but also my mental wellbeing.
Something that I’ve already done for my physical wellbeing is two colonics sessions. More on that to come in future posts. Stay tuned; you’ll definitely want to know the deets. Well, maybe not all of them 😉

Goal 3: Spend more time and effort on my uni course work. Yes I know, boring. But it’s got to be done. Handing in assignments 30 seconds before the drop box closes is giving me grey hairs and stress lines. Not cool.

Goal 4: Try and secure as many work experience and internships as I can. I’m on a roll this year and not willing to stop until I get the roles I want. Determined? Who me? You betcha! (ps, in saying so, if anyone knows of anywhere looking for a workie…you know who to call! hehe)

So yup, that’s that. What are your goals, hopes and dreams for 2011? Hopefully we can work on them together because lord knows, I’m going to need all the encouragement I can get.

POP Comp Winnnerrrrr!!!!

11 Nov

And the winner for my first ever POP Competition iissssssss…………….

…………………Lilpil from Things I Love!!! Congratulations lovely! You’ve just won an amazing Benefit “Valley of the Stars” kit that will get you glowing just in time for the party season!

Thank you so much to every one who entered my competition, for leaving a comment and supporting me on my blogging adventures. I love receiving feedback and knowing what you guys want to see more of, what you’d actually like to see some of and how I can improve! Feel free to email me, tweet me or comment whenever you guys want, even if it is just to say how much you too, are obsessed with getting a pet dolphin.


27 Oct

Just a few beautiful pictures that are inspiring me at the moment. Currently loving the muted pink palette for all things pretty!

Ps, remember to enter yourself into my POP Comp to win a Benefit “Valley of the Stars” kit!

Grandpa shakin’ it to Lady GaGa!

16 Oct

Here’s a little something to get you in the mood for a little weekend fun. Grandpa is rocking it!!

How awesome is he?? He could definitely out dance me in a dance off…